Here are some different types of counters:

If you find a counter that you like, replace the "dd=??" in the < img src> line with the name of the counter.

1 2 3 A
a abacus aliasw amini
asm b baby bajbp
banana banco bancord bbldotb
bbldotg bbldotr bembo blueblk
bluewht blutrns buftom c
cb cgblue cgdizzy cgstony
chinese cntdwn d default
doghous e enya_g enya_r
f fb fdg fdr
g h i ironl
irons ironwd j k
l lot m netscap
nr nw o odb
odw orgtrns orngblk orngwht
pdg pdp pdr pdw
pdy portal punch runic
sbg sbr sdg sdgs
slasher slashrc techhi tiny
visitat wd